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My Pytorch Learning Process

Updated: at 09:11 AM

#Welcome to my journey of learning PyTorch! This Blog documents my progress, insights, and projects as I delve into the world of deep learning using PyTorch.

Table of Contents

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I am currently exploring PyTorch, a powerful deep learning library developed by Facebook’s AI Research lab. My goal is to gain a solid understanding of its capabilities, build machine learning models, and eventually contribute to real-world AI projects.

Learning Goals

Progress Tracker

2024-01-01Introduction to TensorsLearned about tensors and basic operations.
2024-09-05Autograd and BackpropagationExplored how PyTorch handles gradients and automatic differentiation.
2024-09-10Neural NetworksBuilt a simple neural network for classification tasks.
2024-09-15CNNs and Image ClassificationImplemented a CNN for image classification using the CIFAR-10 dataset.

Source: Link



Future Plans

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